Becoming a Raven

Photos by Senior Airman Elizabeth Baker
86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs
Staff Sgt. Stephaun Mckinley, 86th Security Forces Squadron alpha assistant flight chief, stands in a gym after training two potential 86 SFS Ravens April 27 on Ramstein. Phoenix Ravens are specialized security forces personnel who travel with aircraft in order to provide ground security wherever the aircraft lands. Ravens may travel to austere locations where they are the only security available for their aircraft.
Airman 1st Class Cameron Rogers, right, 86th Security Forces Squadron control center technician, uses a baton to practice defending himself against Staff Sgt. Stephaun Mckinley, 86 SFS alpha assistant flight chief, during training for potential Phoenix Ravens April 27 on Ramstein. Phoenix Ravens, who provide aircraft ground security, train with a variety of weapons because they are sometimes restricted on which weapons they can bring onboard an aircraft.
Staff Sgt. John Weakley, left, 86th Security Forces Squadron Raven team leader, leads Airman 1st Class Damien Monreal, 86 SFS alarm monitor, in a set of pushups April 27 on Ramstein. Monreal trained in the techniques that he will use in the Phoenix Raven qualification course, such as proper baton strikes and stance. Phoenix Ravens are specially trained security forces personnel dedicated to providing security for aircraft transiting high-terrorist and criminal-threat areas.
Staff Sgt. Stephaun Mckinley, 86th Security Forces Squadron alpha assistant flight chief, poses in protective gear April 27 on Ramstein. The 86 SFS used the gear to train potential Ravens on how to execute baton strikes with proper stance and technique. The baton training is part of a full-day course which determines the suitability of security forces personnel for the Phoenix Raven qualification course on Fort Dix, NJ.
Tech. Sgt. Carl Bryant, right, 86th Security Forces Squadron program manager, instructs Airman 1st Class Damien Monreal, 86th Security Forces Squadron alarm monitor, on baton combative techniques April 27 on Ramstein. Monreal participated in a full-day training to test and prepare him for the Phoenix Raven qualification course on Fort Dix, NJ.
Airman 1st Class Damien Monreal, left, 86th Security Forces Squadron alarm monitor, uses a baton to practice defending himself against Staff Sgt. Stephaun Mckinley, 86 SFS assistant flight chief, April 27 on Ramstein. Two of the five participants of the 86 SFS training qualified to continue on to the Phoenix Raven qualification course on Fort Dix, NJ, where they will learn help detect, deter and counter threats to aircraft.
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