125th anniversary of Lautertalbahn:Steam train takes passengers to European Farmers’ Market

***image1***Saturday and Sunday, the local train authority, ZSPNV Rheinland-Pfalz Süd in Kaiserslautern, will celebrate 125 years of railway traffic in the Lauter Valley.
The anniversary event features a train station fest in Otterbach and the 17th European Farmers’ Market in Rossbach near Wolfstein.

Saturday, an old red rail bus will shuttle three times between Kaiserslautern and Lauterecken. Sunday, an original steam train will take passengers through the valley.

To ride the old trains, a regular ticket can be bought at the ticket machines in Kaiserslautern, Otterbach, Wolfstein or Lauterecken. Deutsche Bahn and the Verkehrsverbund Rhein-Neckar offer day-trip tickets for singles or for groups of up to five people. For details, check the ticket machine or visit www.vrn.de.

The train station fest in Otterbach will feature an entertaining program with music, information stands by the Deutsche Bahn and the federal police. Local clubs will serve food specialties. Guided tours will be offered in the abandoned signal tower with its mechanical equipment. The local fire department will start its annual wine fest at 5 p.m. Saturday.

More than 100 farmers and vendors from Germany, France, Poland, Finland and Hungary will present their products and merchandise at the European Farmers’ Market in Rossbach. Local cattle and pig breeds, sheep, goats and poultry as well as old tractors will be on display. Craftsmen such as basket makers, ropemakers, potters and handcart makers will demonstrate their long-forgotten skills. The Baumholder and Kusel County tourist offices will give out helpful information. A total of nine music groups will entertain the audience on both days. The market will be set up between the train stops of Wolfstein and Rossbach.

For more information and a schedule for the special trains, visit www.zspnv-sued.de.
(Courtesy of ZSPNV Rheinland-Pfalz Süd)