16th Sust. Bde. returns home

Story and photos by Sgt. Fay Conroy
21st TSC Public Affairs

In the early morning hours of Oct. 11, children who would normally be tucked away in bed excitedly ran around the Freedom Fitness Center on Warner Barracks in Bamberg, Germany.

Friends and family members filled the bleachers in the gym awaiting the arrival of Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 16th Sustainment Brigade, which was returning to Germany after a 15-month deployment in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom.

“It’s refreshing to have them back. Fifteen months is a long time,” said Pamela Taylor, who was awaiting the arrival of friends who deployed with the unit. Her husband, 1st Sgt. Joseph Taylor, is the first sergeant for HHC, 391st Combat Sustainment Support Battalion. He originally deployed with the 16th Sust. Bde. headquarters, but returned early with his new unit.

“They did an outstanding job,” first sergeant Taylor said.

As the last brigade in the Army to serve a 15-month tour in Iraq, the 16th Sust. Bde. executed command and control over 15 battalions and 86 companies while supporting OIF. The 16th Sust. Bde. also provided training to the Iraqi army to assist with making the Iraqis more self-sufficient and made improvements to contingency operating base Q-West as well as 19 other outposts within the 16th Sust. Bde. area of responsibility.

The 16th Sust. Bde. completed 6,000 convoy logistical patrols, racking up more than 6 million miles while delivering supplies and equipment to Soldiers throughout Multi-National Division North.

After a long deployment, the only thing many of the Soldiers in the 16th Sust. Bde. wanted to see was their families and friends.

“I am happy and relieved to be with my family,” said Master Sgt. David Clark, the information management non-commissioned officer in charge with HHC, 16th Sust. Bde., as he hugged his 3-year-old daughter Sofia and his 8-year-old daughter Liza.    

For some family members, one word was the only way they could describe having their loved ones back.

“Happy. Happy times three,” said Sergeant Clark’s wife, Olga.