2013 CFC-O helps those in need

by Capt. Amanda Huston
86th Airlift Wing community area planning officer

Your opportunity to give to your favorite charity through the Combined Federal Campaign-Overseas begins Monday.

The CFC-O, which ends Nov. 15, is the annual workplace giving campaign for the five overseas unified combatant commands.

Administered by Global Impact, the CFC-O raised more than $13.6 million in 2012, demonstrating the generosity of overseas Department of Defense uniformed and civilian personnel.

Final-Updates-21cm20130912In addition to other KMC area kick-off events, Ramstein will kick off this year’s campaign with a 5K run at 1 p.m. Sept. 20 at the Ramstein Southside Fitness Center.

With more than 2,600 charities to choose from, contributors can find and support causes that have personal significance. Contributors also have the option to give to a program that is unique to overseas military community: the Family Support and Youth Program fund.

All FSYP donations are returned to overseas military installations to support quality of life programs for uniformed service members, federal civilians and their families.

Despite a challenging economic situation, Team Ramstein raised $750,296 in 2012 — $84,796 more than the $675,000 goal.

This year, the goal is 100 percent contact with all eligible Team Ramstein contributors.  As with previous campaigns, contributors who pledge $150 or more will receive a coin for their donation. The CFC-O coin that will be distributed this year was designed by Tech. Sgt. Erik T. Fritz, 86th Security Forces Squadron defender.

As with previous campaigns, each squadron will have its own representatives who will make contact with the members of their unit and will accept donations. Donations can also be made via payroll allotment, cash or check on a paper Pledge Card. Contributors may also visit www.cfcoverseas.org to complete a paperless contribution via credit card, debit card or e-check.

For a complete listing of charities and to learn more about the campaign, visit http://cfcoverseas.org or “like” CFC-O on Facebook. You can also follow the campaign on Twitter.

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