21st TSC Soldiers provide support for Patriots to Turkey

by Staff Sgt. Alexander Burnett
21st Theater Sustainment Command Public Affairs

The 21st Theater Sustainment Command is providing logistical support as part of NATO’s commitment to Turkey’s security. Key elements of that support include setting up a staging base and arranging for living quarters, meals, training and fuel for those in Turkey as part of the Patriots to Turkey mission.

Soldiers from the command’s Headquarters, Headquarters Company and 16th Sustainment Brigade are now in Turkey assisting the 10th Army Air & Missile Defense Command and the 3rd Battalion, 2nd Air Defense Artillery Regiment, from Fort Sill, Okla.

The “First in Support” command’s support to this mission began with a small HHC team partnering with 10th AAMDC Soldiers and members of the German and Dutch militaries to survey potential sites capable of supporting the incoming batteries.
The coalition members tested the soil and water in 10 locations before selecting three sites, said Lt. Col. Dana Norton, the 21st TSC chief of future operations.

After setting up a staging base at Incirlik Air Base, Turkey, the 21st TSC team will conduct the reception, staging and onward movement processing for U.S. Soldiers entering the country.

The 391st Combat Sustainment Support Battalion, 16th Sust. Bde., coordinated with the 39th Air Base Wing, based at Incirlik Air Base, to provide incoming air defense personnel with living quarters, meals and training in preparation for their movement to Gaziantep.

One of the key aspects in their training was a brief explanation of Turkish culture and history.

“It is extremely important to give all Soldiers going into Turkey a basic knowledge of the host nation culture and their history to ensure the best possible joint environment between our troops and the Turkish military,” Norton said. “We have a great relationship with the Turkish government and their military. This training will help strengthen that partnership.”

Other units from the 16th Sust. Bde., including the 627th Movement Control Team, 23rd Ordnance Company, and the 1st Cargo Transfer Company, as well as 409th Contracting Support Brigade, are staging equipment and personnel for the future push to Gaziantep.

“We are just waiting for the word to move these Soldiers and their equipment into position,” said Lt. Col. Donald MacCuish, 391st CSSB commander.

Once all Soldiers and their equipment move into position, the 21st TSC is prepared to provide them with anything and everything they need during their deployment, including fuel, food, water, living quarters and even morale, welfare and recreation centers if needed.

The 21st TSC’s mission is to provide troops at Gaziantep with the best possible quality of life. As soon as they hit the ground, they will be provided with hot food, showering facilities and anything they need, Norton said.

NATO officials said the deployment of Patriots missiles is defensive only and is not intended to support any offensive operations.

The 21st TSC is the U.S. Army Europe’s logistics hub to keep the Army mission capable overseas by providing professionals in the area of sustainment operations to better advance American strategic interest, build teams, assure allies and deter enemies.

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