33 years of German-American soccer friendship continues in Baumholder

The 234th Army Band from the Oregon National Guard, deployed to Germany for their annual training, kicks-off the soccer match between Ohio Wesleyen University and JFG Schaumberg-Prims in Oberkirchen on Aug. 2 with some brass band music to motivate the crowd. The soccer team from Ohio Wesleyen University has been traveling to Germany and staying with host families in Baumholder since 1990. Photos by Melanie Mai

A scheduled soccer game between Ohio Wesleyan University and JFG Schaumberg-Prims Aug. 2 looked like it might have to be re-scheduled due to rainy weather and a downpour right before the start of the game in Oberkirchen. Fans, athletes, and families braved the weather in raincoats and umbrellas, waiting for the rain to subside.

The 234th Army Band from the Oregon National Guard, deployed to Germany for their annual training, also braved the weather like warriors, and despite the rainfall, announced, “We’re playing!” kicking off the event offering brass band music at its finest to a grateful and excited crowd.

As the music played under the white parasol and the audience roared along, the clouds parted and the sun appeared, creating a scene reminiscent of a movie.

The 234th Army Band from the Oregon National Guard, deployed to Germany for their annual training, kicks-off the soccer match between Ohio Wesleyen University and JFG Schaumberg-Prims in Oberkirchen on August 2 with some brass band music to motivate the crowd. The soccer team from Ohio Wesleyen University has been traveling to Germany and staying with host families in Baumholder since 1990. 

The game commenced with just a half an hour delay, opening with FC Oster officials raising the German and American flags while the 234th Army Band played the two national anthems.

The teams played an intense, fair game, and at halftime, the score was 0-0. But in the second half, the Saarlanders scored two goals with a final score 2:0 for JFG Schaumberg-Prims.

The soccer team from Ohio Wesleyen University has been traveling to Germany and staying with host families in Baumholder since 1990. The program is mainly organized by Bernd Mai, the Public Affairs Officer/Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit (press and public relations) for U.S. Army Garrison Rheinland-Pfalz, and lifelong resident of Baumholder.

For Mai, organizing this soccer exchange is a passion and a joy, combining his love of sports with his love for the community that he supports, while introducing the young American athletes to German culture as they are hosted by families in the Baumholder community.

The soccer team from Ohio Wesleyen University host a children’s soccer clinic at the Baumholder Military Community Hall of Champions on August 3, with more than 40 children attending and having fun, while being coached by the players from the team.

“I am proud to bring the OWU players to Baumholder every three years,” said Mai. “It’s an honor to help keep the tradition going that fosters lifelong friendships between the athletes and the host families.”

The Ohio Wesleyen University team actively engages with the community during their two-week stay. They hosted a children’s soccer clinic at the Baumholder Military Community Hall of Champions on Aug. 3, with more than 40 children attending and having fun, while being coached by the players from the OWU team.

“This tradition builds a bridge between our countries,” said Julie Porter, community leader and top contributor to the Baumholder 411 Facebook page where community members share important information with each other.

Baumholder residents and community members are encouraged to give a ‘warm welcome’ to the OWU players as they see them around town.

For more information about the soccer exchange program, email usarmy.rheinland-pfalz.id-europe.mbx.usag-rp-pao@mail.mil.

U.S. Army Garrison Rheinland-Pfalz serves, supports, and secures the total force community enabling power projection for the European Theater.