This unit’s Soldiers can be found at every major airborne exercise in Europe, and they train with other paratroopers all over the world. They are known for providing the best in aerial delivery and an airborne Santa every year. As one chapter in this historic unit closes, another begins.
The 21st Theater Sustainment Command’s 5th Quartermaster Company (Rigger) transfered authority from the 21st Special Troops Battalion to the 39th Transportation Battalion, 16th Sustainment Brigade during a ceremony Jan. 6 on Rhine Ordnance Barracks.
Authority over and care for the 5th QM Co. will now fall to the 39th Trans Bn. All personnel actions, open legal actions and property accountability also went to the “We’ll Carry You” battalion. The transfer was signified by the Soldiers of the company donning the 16th Sust. Bde. patch.
“This transfer of authority involved the transfer of a lot of property, equipment and reporting chains, something that is not necessarily easy,” said Lt. Col. Steven Dowgielewicz, 39th Trans. Bn. commander. “The transfer happened with ease and transparency because of the hard work of the 21st Special Troops Battalion.”
The transfer of authority is part of the 21st TSC’s realignment of logistics assets in Europe to better plan and execute future missions. The 5th QM Co. is the only U.S. aerial delivery company in Germany, a capability valuable to the 39th Trans. Bn. and its mission.
“By aligning logistics assets all under single commands, like the 16th Sustainment Brigade, it allows planners to assess the full spectrum of distribution options within the European Command,” Dowgielewicz said. “Having an aerial delivery capability is definitely an asset to this battalion and brigade.”
As the Soldiers of the 5th QM Co. move forward in their new battalion, their commander expressed the occasion as bittersweet.
“The 21st Special Troops Battalion has been our home for a long time and the only battalion most of us have ever known,” said Capt. Toby D. Holland, 5th QM Co. commander. “We are sad to say goodbye to the STB, but we are excited to start our mission with the 39th (Trans. Bn.).”