39th Trans. takes command, control of DPC

by Sgt. Maj. Cameron Porter
21st TSC Public Affairs

Command and control of the Deployment Processing Center on Rhine Ordnance Barracks was passed from the Theater Logistics Support Center – Europe to the 39th Transportation Battalion during a ceremony on ROB Sept. 18.

“Originally the DPC fell under the TLSC-E,” said Jerome Jastrab, TLSC-E deputy general manager. “The (21st Theater Sustainment Command) commanding general’s idea was to put all three pieces under the 39th Transportation Battalion, which includes the DPC, the Air Terminal Movement Control Team and the Overseas Replacement Center.

“All of these three pieces support the power projection platform out at Ramstein Air Base,” said Mr. Jastrab. “That’s where our Soldiers and our NATO and coalition partners deploy from, to include their equipment.”

“I think this was a model case of cooperation between two organizations – the 39th Transportation Battalion and TLSC-E,” said Helmut Haufe, TLSC-E general manager.
“You’ve made this transition very, very easy,”  Lt. Col. Robert Curran, 39th Trans. Bn. commander, said to Mr. Haufe and other representatives from the TLSC-E at the ceremony.

“Everything we do, we’re in this thing together. Both organizations are superior organizations, and both organizations do their jobs very, very well. But together we do our jobs even better.”

Colonel Curran said that even with this recent transfer of command and control, the TLSC-E will continue to work closely with his battalion, providing support to the DPC. By remaining intertwined and integrated, the two agencies will effectively and efficiently enhance the 21st TSC’s support of the DPC mission, he added. 

The TLSC-E will continue to provide surge support as a standing task order from the 21st TSC, echelons above battalion logistics support, and Information Security Operations certification in support of the DPC mission.

“Reception, staging and onward movement is our expertise,” said Colonel Curran. “It’s really about streamlining the process for the 21st TSC and allowing us to
manage all three phases.”