GRAFENWÖHR, Germany — The 21st Theater Sustainment Command’s 406th Human Resources Company, 7th Civil Support Command, based in Kaiserslautern, participated in exercise Unified Endeavor 14-1, providing critical support and training with multinational Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and civilians Sept. 16 to Oct. 25 here.
The exercise was conducted to train international military and civilian personnel in preparation for their deployment in support of the International Security Assistance Force mission in Afghanistan.
“It’s an excellent opportunity for collective training,” said Capt. Demetria D. Dunn, operations officer for the 406th HR Co.
Dunn said the exercise provides valuable learning experiences – especially for younger Soldiers – in carrying out reception, staging and onward movement operations involving multinational joint forces. It is also a preview of the types of duties unit Soldiers will conduct when the 406th HR Co. reaches Afghan-istan.
Sgt. 1st Class Ricky L. Collins, acting first sergeant of the 406th HR Co., said his Army Reserve Soldiers typically worked around the clock to ensure local airport pick-up, sign-in and billeting for late arrivals.
As a part of the 21st TSC, the 7th CSC supports both the U.S. Army Europe and European Command commanders with critical skills and personnel. As a result of this relationship, 7th CSC Soldiers have unique opportunities to maintain proficiency in wartime fundamentals with real-world missions. UE 14-1 is another example of Army Reserve forces supporting USAREUR and EUCOM in preparing U.S. and allied forces for operational missions, said Sgt. Wesley H. Ricketts, a human resource specialist with 406th HR Co.
“You need people skills,” he said. “Working in this environment means interacting with military members from around the world.”
In order to improve customer service, Ricketts has printed out instructions for service members so they can better solve documentation problems within their respective commands.
Collins said his Soldiers can successfully process up to several hundred personnel from locations such as Australia, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Hungary, Turkey and Romania, participating in the ISAF mission daily.