KMC Company Grade Officers’ Council April 4 at Ramstein. Shapland shared his Air Force story and provided mentorship to more than 20 CGOs during the professional development event.
Col. John Shapland, 435th Air Ground Operations Wing commander, met with members of the KMC Company Grade Officers’ Council April 4 on Ramstein.
Though this was Shapland’s second time meeting with the KMC CGOC, the meeting provided a new opportunity for more than 20 lieutenants and captains to speak with the only local commander who was selected for promotion to brigadier general this year.
“I knew there were some members of the CGOC who wanted to hear him talk when it was announced that he was selected for brigadier general,” said 1st Lt. Katy Bryant, 21st Operational Weather Squadron assistant flight commander and meeting coordinator. “I thought it was
awesome to get his perspective because he commands one of the more unique wings in the Air Force.”
Shapland discussed the meaning of success, as well as his own personal Air Force story. He provided insight on the path to flag officer as well as imparted his expectations for CGOs.
“My personal definition for success, which hasn’t changed since I was a second lieutenant, was (to) be a squadron commander…to make an impact on our Air Force…and to retire (from the Air Force),” said the the colonel with 24 years of service. “It’s evolved to be having a family you value and having a family that values you.”
CGOC members asked several questions on balance, Air Force capability, education and joint operations.
“I appreciated his insight on the different aspects of success. I’m inspired by his policy of leaving work (at a decent hour) to have dinner with his family,” said Capt. James Hughes, 21st OWS flight commander.
“I thought it was valuable to hear his perspective on the road to becoming a brigadier general,” said Capt. Jazmine
Russell, 86th Airlift Wing assistant staff judge advocate and CGOC vice president. “I think it’s important for young CGOs to meet with Ramstein leadership to be able to see these different roads to success.”
For more information on KMC CGOC events, visit www.facebook.com/KMCCGOC.