65 ABG welcomes new commander

U.S. Air Force Col. Brian Hardeman, right, 65th Air Base Group outgoing commander, relinquishes command to Brig. Gen. Otis C. Jones, 86th Airlift Wing commander, during a change of command ceremony at Lajes Field, Portugal, Aug. 14. During change of command ceremonies, the presiding officer passes the guideon to the incoming commander, entrusting them with the responsibility and care of the unit. Courtesy photos
U.S. Air Force Brig. Gen. Otis C. Jones, left, 86th Airlift Wing commander, passes the 65th Air Base Group guideon to Col. Christopher Boyd, 65th ABG incoming commander, during a change of command ceremony at Lajes Field, Portugal, Aug. 14.
U.S. Air Force Col. Christopher Boyd, 65th ABG incoming commander, delivers remarks at a change of command ceremony at Lajes Field, Portugal, Aug. 14. The change of command tradition stems from Roman legions passing the commander’s baton in front of the troops to signify their leader guiding them into battle. 
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