6th MRF: small unit, big mission

by Capt. Jon

“We’re nearing the point of mission failure. If only I had more manpower or a better way to get things done, we’d be a lot better off and I could relieve some of the stress my team is feeling right now.”

Have you ever said these words or heard someone in your work center say them? Chances are you have, and it probably wasn’t that long ago.

The challenges U.S. Air Forces in Europe Airmen face in today’s constrained resources and high ops tempo environment make it extremely important that their efforts are focused toward mission-essential workload done in the most effective and efficient manner. That is precisely why the 6th Manpower Requirements Flight was recently stood up and activated on Einsiedlerhof.

The 6th MRF is an extension of the Air Force Manpower Agency based at Randolph Air Force Base, Texas. As a field operating agency to the Air Force Director of Manpower, Organization, and Resources, AFMA’s mission is to provide Air Force leaders with the tools to identify the essential manpower required to accomplish the AF mission.

Part of how AFMA fulfills this mission is by developing manpower standards and conducting manpower assessments and special studies. The 6th MRF was created to support this mission within the European theater.

The mission of the 6th MRF is to develop relevant, accurate, and implementable manpower solutions in support of Department of Defense, AFMA, USAFE and organizations throughout the European Theater.

The 6th MRF employs a number of tools to help execute this mission. For example:
» Manpower Models — These can range anywhere from a full-blown manpower standard to a less-detailed model and can help predict manpower requirements based on workload

» Resource Analysis — This can take on a number of forms, all geared toward making sure manpower resources are in the right place and workload is distributed properly

» Process Improvement — Geared toward helping organizations perform in the most efficient manner and using process flowcharting, simulation modeling, queuing analysis, and statistical controls to identify areas for improvement

» Advisory Services — This includes impact analysis, decision making tools, data analysis/interpretation, cause and effect analysis and other “consultant” type activities

One of the key goals of the 6th MRF is to help commanders and/or functionals execute their mission by partnering with them to ensure they have the right manpower in the right places and that they’re employed efficiently.

If you think your unit could benefit from the services provided by the 6th MRF, make a call to your local Force Support Squadron’s Manpower and Organization Office (HQ USAFE/A1M for USAFE staff). They may be able to solve your problem locally. If not, they can help you request our assistance. Either way, we’re here to help.