721st APS supports Operation United Assistance

by Airman 1st Class Michael Stuart
86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

The Air Force is a large machine with multiple parts that work in unison to run smoothly, ensuring the tasks of the Department of Defense are taken care of.

On Ramstein, the 721st Aerial Port Squadron is one of those moving parts, allowing the DOD to run melodically to complete its missions.

The 721st APS, one of the largest aerial ports in the Air Force, provides air transportation services to Airmen traveling all over the globe and supports the largest American population outside the U.S. They process passengers, load cargo on and off aircraft, and supply Airmen with the equipment needed to complete their missions.

“I really love what I do and what the aerial port squadron is doing worldwide,” said Tech. Sgt. Clifton Robertson, 721st APS NCO in charge of special handling operations. “The Air Force as a whole comes together to make things happen, but I truly believe we’re an important piece of the puzzle.”

Along with the daily operations of supporting Ramstein, the 721st APS has played a major role in Operation United Assistance.

“Within the last two weeks, we’ve supplied over 200 tons of support equipment to forces in Monrovia,” Robertson said. “We’ve supplied anything from medical supplies to generators and tents in order to support Operation United Assistance.”

The 721st will support its first channel mission to Monrovia in November.

“I have been a part of approximately 12 missions in support of Operation United Assistance so far,” said Airman 1st Class Kelly Patten, 721st APS ramp specialist. “l love working on the flightline and on these missions, because it’s not an opportunity that many people have.”

There are many parts that encompass the 721st APS, but they all work together seamlessly to ensure the terminal remains the hub of air transportation in Europe.

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