735 CES works behind the scenes to keep Southside Fitness Center running

Airman 1st Class Edward Drescher
Kaiserslautern American

***image1***Like any facility, the Southside Fitness Center on Ramstein needs quality maitenance to run efficiently.

But Southside Fitness Center director Isaac Melendez said they only
turn to the 735th Civil Engineer Squadron when they need something done.

“One of the reasons the Southside Fitness Center is successful is
because of the hidden heroes of the 735th (CES),” said Melendez. “I
attribute this to their leadership and the teamwork of their NCOs,
Airmen and civilians.”

Over the past year the Southside Fitness Center has undergone many
changes to make it a more comfortable, better looking enviroment.

The 735th CES has had a hand in more than 20 gym-enhancing projects.

“Without them, this place would be a dump,” said Melendez, who has been
in charge of the gym for a year. “Before this place was pretty much
bare, with their help we have improved a great deal.”

A few of the projects that the 735th CES has conducted at the fitness center are:

Replaced gym lights, removed wooden bleachers in the observation deck,
installed television brackets in various rooms, installed sit-up bars,
painted locker room benches, made wooden locker room signs, installed
heavy bag and speed bag for boxing, repaired sauna, installed mirrors
throughout the facility and conducted small projects such as replacing
lights and putting up signs.

They are also in the process of painting the gymnasium.
Melendez said another thing that impresses him about the 735th is the timeliness in which they come out to help with a project.

“They are great, I put in a work order and they are out here within a day or two,” said Melendez.

They also have come out after work hours to make sure a project gets
done, such as removing the bleachers from the observation deck.

The positive results can really be found on the comment cards at the Southside Fitness Center.

“All the comment cards we receive are positive and we want to thank (the 735th CES) for all their hard work,” said Melendez.

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