7th CSC chaplain named LRMC pastor

by 7th Civil Support Command Public Affairs
Photo by Sgt. 1st Class Matthew Chlosta Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Daniel K. White, chaplain of the Kaiserslautern-based  7th Civil Support Command, was installed as the senior pastor of the Protestant chapel service at Landstuhl Regional Medical center during a May 5 ceremony.
Photo by Sgt. 1st Class Matthew Chlosta
Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Daniel K. White, chaplain of the Kaiserslautern-based
7th Civil Support Command, was installed as the senior pastor of the Protestant chapel service at Landstuhl Regional Medical center during a May 5 ceremony.

Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Daniel K. White, chaplain of the Kaiserslautern-based 7th Civil Support Command, was installed as the senior pastor of the Protestant chapel service at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center during a May 5 ceremony.

White, a native of Cincinnati, Ohio, is the first U.S. Army Reserve chaplain honored with the assignment, which is normally filled by a chaplain from the active component. Prior to his appointment as head pastor, White, a 20-year Army veteran, had served as one of the assistant pastors at the Daenner Kaserne chapel during the past two years.

Although he is now the head pastor at the LRMC Chapel, White will continue to serve in his current assignment as the 7th CSC command chaplain.

“My role at LRMC is an extra duty, but it is joy to do it. I will have plenty of help from other chaplains in the area, those at LRMC and some of our reserve chaplains for occasional preaching,” he said.

White, a Presbyterian minister, brings 20 years of civilian and military ministry and preaching experience to the LRMC Chapel pulpit. He has been the pastor at civilian churches in Columbus, Ohio; Naperville, Ill.; and
Ellwood City, Pa.

His past assignments include: the 9th Mission Support Command in Honolulu, Hawaii, and the U.S. Army Reserve Command, formerly at Fort McPherson, Ga. Additionally, White deployed to Kosovo in 2004 and in 2007 to Iraq during Operation Iraqi Freedom.

“What an extraordinary honor for Chaplain White, and it speaks highly of his mature leadership and strong pastoral skills,” said Brig. Gen. Paul M. Benenati, commanding general of the 7th CSC. “His ability to juggle the two roles of pastor and chaplain of the 7th Civil Support Command is an excellent example of the talent, skill and versatility of the Soldiers that we have in the Army Reserve.”

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