86 AW Innovator of the Month

Airman 1st Class Robert Ruiz INNOVATOR: Airman 1st Class Robert Ruiz

86th Operations Support Squadron

ACTION: Ruiz researched and solved an aircrew Night Vision Goggle battery life problem. The lithium batteries in the NVGs arrived from supply at 40 percent capacity. As a result, 41 C-130J flights experienced low power or dead batteries in their NVGs. Ruiz researched the use of low profile battery packs, which utilized AA batteries. He ordered the equipment and outfitted 85 NVG kits, saving $40,000 in yearly replacement costs and improved aircrew’s ability to perform night operations. Ruiz has expanded and reinforced a culture of continuous improvement and reduced demand on limited resources. His ingenuity and ability to identify and solve problems is nothing short of extraordinary.

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