86 LRS facilitates Defense Logistics Agency – Disposition Services

U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt. Ming Le, 86th Logistics Readiness Squadron Equipment Accountability Element supervisor, inspects equipment at Ramstein Air Base, Oct. 6. EAE Airmen are responsible for ensuring equipment turned in to 86th LRS are coded correctly before being transported to the Defense Logistics Agency – Disposition Services site in Kaiserslautern. The coding process identifies equipment that is salvageable, requires special handling or demilitarization or simply needs to be scrapped.

“Out with the old, in with the new,” as the old saying goes. But where does all the “old” go?

The answer is found within Defense Logistics Agency – Disposition Services. They are responsible for processing equipment at the end of its life-cycle and assisting units with identifying equipment available for reutilization.

To some, DLA-DS may sound very similar to the Defense Reutilization and Marketing Service and the Defense Reutilization and Marketing Office.

That’s because it is.

DRMO changed their name to DLA-DS as part of a DLA-wide rebranding to show the Department of Defense and their customers the full value of DLA elements and to make it easier for service members to interact and take advantage of DLA’s comprehensive missions, products and services.

Ramstein Air Base relies on the 86th Logistics Readiness Squadron to carry out DLA-DS services.

“LRS supports this requirement by providing technical assistance to all supported appropriated fund units with the inspection, proper return and demilitarization or disposal procedures,” said Ulla Petry, 86th LRS Distribution Facilities supervisor. “Our services span from assisting with transferring nuts and bolts, to complete satellite systems or portable buildings to DLA-DS.”

Each unit designates a representative in order to take advantage of DLA-DS services by registering them on the DLA website.

“Once filled out, your commander will sign off authorizing you to place orders and you will send the form back to DLA so they can have it for record,” said U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt. Breon Hill, 86th LRS One-Stop Customer Service Section customer service supervisor.

U.S. Air Force Senior Airman Taylor Reed, 86th Logistics Readiness Squadron Equipment Accountability Element journeyman, ensures a jacket has been properly coded at Ramstein Air Base, Oct. 6. The 86th LRS Turn-In Unit Team provides site visits to assist units in properly identifying and coding equipment slated for turn-in. The coding process identifies equipment that is salvageable, requires special handling or demilitarization or simply needs to be scrapped.

Units can begin taking advantage of the services once unit representatives are registered. The 86th LRS has programs in place to help every step of the way.

The turn-in program helps streamline the turn-in process. The 86th LRS Turn-In Unit Team provides site visits to assist units in properly identifying and coding equipment slated for turn-in. The coding process identifies equipment that is salvageable, requires special handling or demilitarization or simply needs to be scrapped.

“This assures security, safety and accountability as well as proper documentation,” Petry said.

The turn-in process covers the “out with the old,” but DLA-DS also handles the “in with the new.” The reutilization program can be the saving-grace units need to procure equipment if an unforeseen budget curveball occurs.

DLA-DS makes excess property turned in by government entities available for re-use as directed by the Defense Material Disposition Manual and Federal Code of Regulations.

“This helps to save taxpayer funds by avoiding buying another item when one was already available as excess,” said Russ Sittenauer, Kaiserslautern Disposition Services operations chief.

The 86th LRS has a reutilization section available to help units local to Ramstein.

“Customers can register for the reutilization program to withdraw any item or equipment from DLA-DS at no cost,” Petry said. “Our One-Stop customer service section is the point of contact to process all transactions. Thus, assuring items are loaded on accountable property records, which also provides an audit trail for the unit.”

Out with the old or in with the new, 86th LRS is ready to assist units with the DLA-DS process every step of the way.

To learn more about DLA-DS processes and how 86th LRS can help, contact the 86th LRS Customer Service team at DSN: 480-2449 or commercial: 06371-472449.

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