The 86th Aerospace Medical Squadron and the 86th Medical Operations Squadron became the 86th Operational Medical Readiness Squadron and the 86th Healthcare Operations Squadron Sept. 30. While an official ceremony took place in August commemorating this historic event, the physical changes are occurring in the new Fiscal Year. This change will affect the oversight of each squadron. The 86th OMRS will oversee all active duty military patients and operational functions, while the 86th HCOS will oversee all non-active duty patients, and the non-operational administrative and support functions.
The 86th OMRS realignment will serve Airmen by enabling the 86th MDG to optimize the health of the most important weapon system — the Human Weapon System — and maintain a combat ready force. The 86th OMRS will incorporate the Flight & Operational Medicine Clinic, the Base Operational Medicine Clinic, an Active Duty Primary Care Clinic, Dental, Bioenvironmental Engineering, Public Health, Optometry, Physical Therapy, and the Physical Examination Board Liaison Officer for Medical Evaluation Boards.
The 86th HCOS will oversee the healthcare needs of enrolled family members and retirees. The 86 HCOS will incorporate the Family Health Clinic (non-active duty adults), Pediatrics, Women’s Health, Immunizations, Ambulance Services, and Mental Health.
Medical leaders say there will be no changes to personnel or their family’s enrollment at Ramstein Clinic during this transition. Both squadrons take medical care very seriously, with a shared goal of providing the highest quality, safest, and most effective patient-centered care. Anyone with additional questions is encouraged to contact TRICARE Enrollments at 479-2273 (option 4).