86 VRS keeps Ramstein rolling

Photos by Airman 1st Class Joshua Magbanua
Senior Airman Adam Longfellow, 86th Vehicle Readiness Squadron vehicle maintainer, welds a piston July 13 on Ramstein. Airmen at the 86 VRS are responsible for ensuring Ramstein’s government-owned vehicles are properly maintained and in proper working condition.
Senior Airman Adam Longfellow, 86th Vehicle Readiness Squadron vehicle maintainer, welds a piston July 13 on Ramstein. Airmen at the 86 VRS are responsible for ensuring Ramstein’s government-owned vehicles are properly maintained and in proper working condition.
Senior Airman Zachary Caldwell and Airman 1st Class Gage Douglass, 86th Vehicle Readiness Squadron vehicle maintainers, inspect the transmission of a pickup truck July 13 on Ramstein. Airmen working at the 86 VRS must possess broad knowledge on a wide variety of vehicles made by different manufacturers.
Senior Airman Zachary Caldwell and Airman 1st Class Gage Douglass, 86th Vehicle Readiness Squadron vehicle maintainers, inspect the transmission of a pickup truck July 13 on Ramstein. Airmen working at the 86 VRS must possess broad knowledge on a wide variety of vehicles made by different manufacturers.
Airman 1st Class Mike Park, 86th Vehicle Readiness Squadron vehicle maintainer, guides a truck to prepare it for maintenance July 13 on Ramstein. Units all around Ramstein send their government-owned vehicles to the 86 VRS for maintenance.
Airman 1st Class Mike Park, 86th Vehicle Readiness Squadron vehicle maintainer, guides a truck to prepare it for maintenance July 13 on Ramstein. Units all around Ramstein send their government-owned vehicles to the 86 VRS for maintenance.
Airman 1st Class Levi Symons, 86th Vehicle Readiness Squadron vehicle maintainer, replaces a part of a truck July 13 on Ramstein. The 86 VRS is responsible for maintaining the government-owned vehicles on Ramstein.
Airman 1st Class Levi Symons, 86th Vehicle Readiness Squadron vehicle maintainer, replaces a part of a truck July 13 on Ramstein. The 86 VRS is responsible for maintaining the government-owned vehicles on Ramstein.
A tug vehicle exits a maintenance shop of the 86th Vehicle Readiness Squadron July 13 on Ramstein Air Base. Tugs are used to push vehicles with mechanical issues to areas where they are maintained.
A tug vehicle exits a maintenance shop of the 86th Vehicle Readiness Squadron July 13 on Ramstein Air Base. Tugs are used to push vehicles with mechanical issues to areas where they are maintained.
Senior Airman Duncan Wild, 86th Vehicle Readiness Squadron vehicle maintainer, conducts maintenance on a mine-resistant ambush protected vehicle July 13 on Ramstein. Airmen at the 86 VRS work on a wide variety of government-owned vehicles such as military vehicles, pickup trucks, police cars and special-purpose vehicles.
Senior Airman Duncan Wild, 86th Vehicle Readiness Squadron vehicle maintainer, conducts maintenance on a mine-resistant ambush protected vehicle July 13 on Ramstein. Airmen at the 86 VRS work on a wide variety of government-owned vehicles such as military vehicles, pickup trucks, police cars and special-purpose vehicles.
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