86th LRS One-Stop helps with supply accounts

86th Logistics Readiness Squadron One-Stop — Your Customer Service Focal Point

Have a question concerning your supply account but not sure where to start? Contact the customer support section, better known as One-Stop, located in Bldg. 2126, Room 8.

One-Stop handles a variety of tasks ranging from taking routine issue requests, managing your custodian authorization/custody receipt listing, DLA-Disposition Services withdrawals, status checks and more.

For more details on One-Stop, call 480-2449/5241/5403, email supply.onestop@ramstein.af.mil or visit the global at 86th LRS/LGRSC ONESTOP. You will get a response no later than the next duty day.

Defense Logistics Agency-Disposition Services Withdrawals
DLA-Disposition Services re-issues many useful items to Department of Defense activities for free.

You can conduct a worldwide search for DLA-Disposition Services property online at www.dispositionservices.dla.mil.

The maximum reutilization of excess property in the DLA-Disposition Services is highly encouraged for authorized military purposes. DLA-Disposition Services is considered a valid source of supply.

All excess and surplus property required by an organization must be obtained by routing the request through 86th LRS One-Stop.
All withdrawals from DLA-Disposition Services are processed as free issue.

Zero Overpricing Program
To assist you in controlling and managing your allotted funds, the Air Force instituted a program called ZOP.

Customers can challenge prices on items that seem to be high. It is important to review supply documents and listings for price changes. If there are price discrepancies, contact One-Stop to make a price challenge. Use AF Form 1000, IDEA Application, and AF Form 1046, Zero Overpricing Challenge/Referral to submit ZOP challenges.

(Courtesy of 86th Logistics Readiness Squadron)

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