86th MDG pharmacy offers prescription refill options

Courtesy of 86th Medical Group

The 86th Medical Group Pharmacy offers two prescription refill pick-up options. Refills can be picked up at the Ramstein Pharmacy or at the Kaiserlautern Military Community Center via the ScriptCenter. The Ramstein Pharmacy is located in Bldg. 2114, Room 105. Hours of operation are 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Mondays through Fridays, 12:30 to 5 p.m. the second Thursday of every month, and closed for federal holidays and wing down days.

The ScriptCenter is an automated prescription pick-up kiosk system located next to Ramstein Tickets and Tours in the KMCC. There is no wait, 24/7 refill pick-up, and it’s easy to use.

The ScriptCenter provides beneficiaries with the option to pick-up refill prescriptions without waiting. Getting started is simple:

• Call in your refills: 06371-86-5601

• Select option 2 for Air Force pharmacies

• Select pick-up location site option 3, “ScriptCenter at KMCC”

• Select refill prescription, option 1

• Enter last four digits of the sponsor’s Social Security number followed by the pound sign

• Enter only the number (no letters) of the prescription followed by the pound sign

To utilize the ScriptCenter, there is a one-time enrollment requirement.  Bring one of the prescription numbers to the ScriptCenter and complete the initial enrollment by following the instructions on the self-explanatory monitor. After completing the enrollment, the ScriptCenter is ready for use.

It’s an easy process:

• First time users select “Enroll” or returning users “Log In” with a fingerprint and PIN or ID and PIN

• Review refills to pick-up

• Sign

• Grab and Go!

There are a few prescriptions that cannot be picked-up at the ScriptCenter, including controlled medications, refrigerated items and bulk/heavy medications. These medications must be picked-up at the clinic’s main pharmacy, located in Bldg. 2114.

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