86th Medical Group to close KMCC pharmacy

U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt. Leila Lambre, 86th Medical Group Pharmacy non-commissioned officer in charge, looks for a patient’s prescription at Ramstein Air Base, Germany, April 18, 2024. The Kaiserslautern Military Community Center satellite pharmacy will be closing in June 2024, with all operations being transferred to the 86th MDG main pharmacy. (U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Thomas Karol)

The 86th Medical Group is closing the Kaiserslautern Military Community Center Pharmacy location at Ramstein Air Base, June 14.

Leading up to the closure the 86th MDG will remain open during weekday hours. After May 4, the satellite pharmacy will be closed on Saturdays in preparation for the full closure.

“We want our community members to know this will not have any effects on the number of prescriptions being filled or quality of service to patients,” said U.S. Air Force Col. Dwayne Baca, 86th MDG commander. “This also has no effect on other pharmacies in the KMC.”

The 86th MDG pharmacy provides a number of services to their patients and is standing by to help with all pharmaceutical needs.

“We are a standard pharmacy and can provide all the same services a normal pharmacy can provide,” said Lt. Col Zachary Finney, 86th MDG Pharmacy flight commander. “We provide new prescriptions, refills as well as picking up and transferring prescriptions. Our beneficiaries can start a refill request on the Military Health System Genesis Patient Portal or a military treatment facility pharmacy.”

U.S. Air Force Maj. Joshua Dalzell, 86th Medical Group Pharmacy officer in charge, fills a prescription at Ramstein Air Base, Germany, April 18, 2024. The Kaiserslautern Military Community Center satellite pharmacy will be closing in June 2024. This closure will not inhibit any services the 86th MDG provides to its beneficiaries. (U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Thomas Karol)

The decision to close the facility was made by 86th MDG leadership to ensure resources are being used effectively.

“This was a decision based on a lack of funds and the cost of each individual script based on the number of available pharmacists and utilization rates,” Baca said. “The closing of this pharmacy will not decrease access to services and our beneficiaries will still have access to pharmacies around the KMC.”

Patients can visit multiple platforms to access information about the pharmacies in the KMC and medical care they receive.

“Our beneficiaries can visit MHS Genesis as well as visit our social media sites,” Finney said. “We do our best to keep all avenues of communication as updated as possible and we will be letting our members know about the care they receive and where to access it.”

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