86th SFS participates in summer biathlon

BRUCHSAL, Germany — The German Army Reserve Command annually hosts a multinational military summer biathlon, and it has become a tradition for the 435th Security Forces Squadron to participate.

The event provided an opportunity to test and display the “fit to fight” level, as the four-man teams were challenged with a demanding eight mile run, including an obstacle course and three different shooting scenarios. 

On command, teams worked their way through a 200-meter obstacle course to reach the first running trail, leading them to the German Army firing range after approximately 2.5 miles. With a high heart rate, they engaged man-sized targets in the standing unsupported position from a 200 meter distance using the 5.56 caliber G36 carbine.

After firing, they immediately hit the road running for another 2.5 mile lap, leading them through shady woods, sun-exposed open areas and challenging hills back to the range. At the end of the day, teams were rated for their overall time (including the three running portions and the firing scenarios) and the actual firing results. Upon their return, the team had to engage 10 point-ring-targets at a 200-meter distance.

After receiving an excellent result for this portion, the 435th SFS team had to hit the trail one last time before ending the competition with a 20-meter pistol firing course. Even though the warm weather and the demanding hills didn’t make it easy, the training and condition of the 435th SFS team members helped them to finish the competition earning third and fourth place overall.

(Courtesy of the 86th Security Forces Squadron)

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