Military Matters

1st Sergeants’ Corner
What is a leader?
Although many of us have mentors we emulate and leadership styles we have collected over time, the best advice to being a true leader is to just be yourself.
Doing the right thing, even when it is tough, is probably one of the hardest tasks a leader can accomplish. Quality leadership is absolutely paramount to the Air Force. The PDG has an entire chapter dedicated to leadership, but in short, I find the following timeless advice (paraphrased) from Gen. Louis L. Wilson, 1976 PACAF
commander, to be some of the best:

• Be tough – Set your standards high. Insist that your people measure up and have the courage to correct those who fail to do so.

• Get out from behind the desk – See for yourself what is going on in the work centers.

• Search out the problems – The trick is to find the problems, not to depend on them to surface.

• Find the critical path to success – Avoid the “activity trap;” Don’t spend your valuable time on inconsequential matters. Weigh in where it counts

• Be sensitive – Listen to your people. Don’t be afraid to empathize when necessary. Recognize that effective communication involves shared perceptions.

• Do not take things for granted – Do not assume things have been fixed – look for

• Do not alibi – Nothing is more disgusting than the individual who can do no wrong and has an alibi for anything and everything that goes awry. Own responsibility when it is yours.

• Do not procrastinate – Do not put off the hard decisions until tomorrow because you are unwilling to make them today. It won’t be any easier tomorrow.

• Do not tolerate incompetence – Once people demonstrate laziness, disinterest or an inability to get the job done, have the courage to terminate their assignments. You can’t afford to do less. On the other hand, recognize good work and encourage your people and they will do even better.

• Be honest – Tell it like it is and insist your people do likewise. There is nothing more disastrous than garbled information, half-truths and falsifications. You must create an atmosphere of trust and confidence.  Be honest with yourself as well.

Advice from a successful leader can be a beneficial tool to the aspiring leader, but where the aspiring leader applies this tool will determine his or her success.  
Being a leader is not always easy. Let your conscience guide you, welcome criticism, consistently strive to be better and always be yourself.