21st TSC Public Affairs Office wins USAREUR-level journalism awards

by Sgt. Maj. Cameron Porter

21st TSC Public Affairs

The 21st Theater Sustainment Command picked up more than a dozen awards in print and broadcast journalism during the U.S. Army Europe 2009 Maj. Gen. Keith L. Ware Public Affairs Competition.

This year’s big winners from the 21st TSC were its electronic newsletter, “First in Support,” which won first place in the Web-based publications category, and the 21st TSC Web site, which won second place in the same category. The 21st TSC’s Millrinder magazine received a second place award in the magazine category.
Individual awards were also presented to several 21st TSC Soldiers and civilians.

Sgt. Jonathan Pruett of the 21st TSC’s public affairs office earned USAREUR’s Military Broadcast Journalist of the Year award, and Sgt. Adrienne Killingsworth of the 18th Military Police Brigade’s PAO earned the “Rising Star” Award for Outstanding New Writer.

Sergeant Pruett also earned a first place award for radio spot production and an honorable mention for TV spot production. Individual first place USAREUR print awards also went to the 21st TSC’s Sgt. Frank Sanchez III, who was named top stringer writer, Spc. Jason Nolte, who earned the No. 1 stringer photographer title, and Angleika Lantz, who earned a first place award in the feature article category. Ms. Lantz also won a second place award in the news article category.

An individual first place USAREUR broadcast award went to Sgt. Jesse Granger from the 7th Civil Support Command PAO in the radio news report category.
Rounding out the individual USAREUR wins for the 21st TSC were Sgt. Fay Conroy and Spc. Amanda Rigdon. Sergeant Conroy received a second place award in the feature article category and a third place award in stand-alone photo. Specialist Rigdon received a second place win in the stringer writer category.

The annual contest is named for a World War II Medal of Honor recipient and former Army chief of information who was killed in action in Vietnam.
 (Some of the information in this article was provided by the USAREUR Public Affairs Office)