One-stop shopping

In an effort to make annual registration and re-registration more patron friendly, Department of Defense Education Activity has initiated a plan to have spring registrations for the next school year take place in central locations at each military community’s school complexes.

Unlike stateside school systems, DODEA schools require a re-registration every year. This is to ensure appropriate preparations are made for planning each school year based on the military mission and PCSing of families. Military communities do live in a mobile society, and the required re-registration assists DODEA in making the best plans possible based on students who will be attending its schools.

The spring registration is very important for planning course offerings, numbers of classrooms, budgets, and a variety of other tasks that are required in preparation for the following school year. The more accurate the picture of students returning and students coming into the community, the better able the system is to be correctly staffed and supplied. For those who know their children will be attending DODEA schools for any part of the 2010-2011 school year, be sure to re-register. Every registration is crucial to the staffing plans and course offerings that have to be developed in the spring of each year.

After the kick off of the centralized registration, families will be able to go to any school in that military community and complete the registration for all of their children, regardless of how many schools their children may be attending.

(Courtesy of the Kaiserslautern District Office.)