With the holiday season upon us, it is a great time to enjoy moments with family and friends while taking a break to reset for the new year.
Unfortunately, this time of year often leads to indulgences, which can work against your wellness goals. Studies show that adults gain an average of 1-2 pounds during the holiday season.1 If you’ve recently made positive changes to your health behaviors, the holidays don’t have to derail your progress. Here are some wellness tips to help you navigate the season healthily!
Start by focusing on nutrition and eating mindfully. This means taking your time during meals. Slow down, chew your food thoroughly, put your utensils down between bites, and savor every mouthful. This practice can help you eat less overall, by making you more aware of when you are full. At potlucks, bring a healthy dish — think salad, water, or a fruit-based dessert. When navigating buffet-style meals, start with a small plate. Fill it with nutrient-dense vegetables and lean meats before adding smaller portions of higher-calorie foods. Check your hunger and fullness cues before returning for seconds. Drink at least 2-3 liters of water each day. Avoid or limit sugary beverages that are high in calories, such as soda, punch, eggnog, and alcohol. If you choose to drink alcohol, do so in moderation — this means no more than 2-3 alcoholic beverages/week. Instead of skipping meals in anticipation of indulgences, eat regular light meals or snacks throughout the day.
It is also important to continue your fitness routine during the holidays, especially while traveling. Look ahead at your schedule and decide which days you will work out — then stick to that plan! You could also find a workout buddy, such as a spouse or friend. When traveling, consider lifting weights in a hotel gym, bodyweight workouts, running on treadmills or even outside! Aim for at least 15,000 steps per day; you might discover more of the city you are visiting along the way!
To learn more about what Health Promotions can offer, check out our Facebook page (Ramstein Health Promotion), or visit our office in Building 2117a on Ramstein Air Base, behind the Southside Fitness Center. Most of our services are available to anyone with base access! We offer In-Body Health Assessments on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Our Best SELF classes occur on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays at 7:30 a.m. and cover nutrition, activity, sleep, and mindfulness strategies to promote healthy living and weight management. Our newest program, Fresh Start, occurs on Tuesdays at 11 a.m. and consists of small group discussions about quitting smoking, vaping, dipping, or using Zyn. We also provide one-on-one tobacco cessation coaching, wellness coaching, and nutrition therapy by appointment. To schedule today, email usaf.ramstein.86-mdg.mbx.ramstein-health-promotion@health.mil or call +49-06371-47-1799!