Motorists should know Germany’s parking rules

Motorists looking for a parking spot in Kaiserslautern must understand that there are several areas where parking either costs a fee, or is only authorized for residents, although there are parking machines (dispensers) nearby.

There is restricted parking and standing in all public parking areas.
Parking is only allowed when a valid resident parking permit or a valid short term parking permit (“blauer Parkschein,” or blue parking ticket, available at dispensers) is placed on the vehicle’s dashboard. See photo 1.

Within traffic-reduced zones, parking is only allowed in designated areas. For this purpose, a valid resident parking permit or a valid short term parking permit (“blauer Parkschein” — available at dispensers) needs to be placed on the vehicle’s dashboard. See photo 2.

Parking within a designated residential area is only allowed with a valid resident parking permit for that subject area (i.e., “Bewohner Parkausweis E”). See photo 3.

(Courtesy of the City of Kaiserslautern)