Computer tool enhances work efficiencies

by Alessandra Mings
U.S. Air Forces in Europe Public Affairs intern

“If I only had more hours in the day, I could get so much more accomplished,” is a statement many people often say to themselves.

U.S Air Forces in Europe Airmen have the “power at their desktop,” said Tim Gowens, USAFE Communications Directorate Knowledge Operations team lead.
A seemingly simple chat program installed on unclassified and classified government networks is a fast and efficient way to reduce e-mails and help manage time more effectively, he said.

Office Communicator provides more than chat capabilities, though. It’s a collaboration tool helping enhance government employees’ ability to be more effective while on the job. It saves time by receiving real-time feedback or answers via instant messaging, global address search, a contact availability feature, forms of callback, conference calls, Web chat, simultaneous file sharing and editing, screen sharing, as well as expanding emergency notification capabilities.

“The goal is to collaborate more and save time,” Mr. Gowens said. “In a single screen, you can see if the person you need to work with is available, message them on an issue and share the document you want them to help with. If you need somebody else to get in on the conversation you invite them to the same session and multiple people can work together. It eliminates the back and forth e-mails, and allows each shareholder to see the changes immediately.”

Communicator is secure software that is accessible from a work desktop. It allows people to instantly cross flow information with people across USAFE and people assigned to Air Combat Command, Air Education and Training Command, Air Forces Central Command, Air Force District of Washington (District of Columbia), Air Force Materiel Command, Air Force Reserve Command, Air Mobility Command and Air National Guard Bureau.

For example, the USAFE Knowledge Operations staff located at Ramstein coordinated with the 700th Contracting Squadron staff at Rhine Ordnance Barracks about six months ago to secure a contract to upgrade the USAFE Director of Staff’s Task Management Tool.

“We were under a short timeline to execute end-of-year funds and had about three weeks to pull together a solution,” Mr. Gowens said. “By using Communicator, we ‘tagged’ all the pertinent contracting POCs so the moment their status changed to ‘online,’ we knew their phone would be answered. The deadlines were met and TMT was upgraded on time.”

Without Communicator, the Knowledge Operations staff would have spent two weeks working face to face contracting staffs. Communicator saved everyone many hours through eliminating wasted phone calls and travel time between sites, allowing other projects to be completed.

What is it about this tool that users need to know?
Bottom line: Communicator saves time. Communicator is an application that provides desktop sharing, presence awareness, teleconferencing, audio/video calls, and instant messaging capabilities. Communicator is integrated with all Microsoft Office applications. With presence awareness, an indicator “light” shows whether or not a person is or is not online. Before making a call, USAFE members can look up the person’s status they want to contact. If the person is in, then they can simply send a short instant message and save the effort put into sending an e-mail. If the person is out, then that person can be “tagged” in Communicator and receive a user notification on their desktop when that person is back in.

How can it help them in the long run?
By using IM, presence awareness, and tagging, time normally wasted on e-mails and phone calls is reclaimed which boosts productivity. Communicator is a way to connect people who are geographically separated. For example, Communicator connects the 435th Air Communications Group’s squadrons that are spread across the KMC.

Why should people to use this tool?
The best thing people can do is to use the tool as soon as they log onto the network. Users just click on the Communicator icon in the lower right-hand corner of the screen. No additional sign-in or password is needed. In the address bar, users simply enter an e-mail address into the address bar to find someone. From there, those contacts can be organized quickly and easily through grouping.

Additionally, it can save people time and enhance productivity and collaboration. Desktop sharing allows for real-time collaboration. Multiple people at remote locations throughout USAFE can review the same document, eliminating multiple copies of the same document from being e-mailed and getting the job done now rather than hours later. This form of instant collaboration also eliminates the need to merge comments on a document, too.  

How a person can use this tool:
Instant Messaging: Recently, a doctor contacted a patient using IM to reschedule an appointment. Presence awareness let the doctor know that the patient was online, so he sent the patient an IM requesting to reschedule. No phone calls were made and the burdens of playing phone tag were eliminated.
Presence Awareness: By using Communicator’s presence awareness, a user will no longer have any unanswered calls. You simply don’t call the person who is not already online.

Integration with Microsoft Office applications: By taking advantage of Communicator’s integration with Outlook, people can say “thank you” by replying with an instant message instead of an e-mail. Doing so, helps eliminate e-mail clutter.