Kaiserslautern-based Soldier takes part in Hajj on invitational orders

by Rachel Clark
409th Contracting Support Brigade

In a cultural mix of people in a massive religious gathering in Saudi Arabia, one U.S. Army Soldier experiences Hajj with a sense of enlightenment. He is a practicing Muslim who is representing the Department of Defense for a mission.
Maj. William Trimble, the executive officer of the 903rd Contingency Contracting Battalion based in Kaiserslautern, recently had the opportunity to participate in Hajj on invitational orders. 

Hajj is the annual pilgrimage to Mecca, Saudi Arabia. It is one of the largest annual pilgrimages in the world and is the fifth pillar of Islam, a religious duty that must be carried out at least once in a lifetime by every able-bodied Muslim who can afford to do so. The Hajj is a demonstration of submission to God.

Major Trimble has been in the Army for more than 21 years. While attending Islamic services at Ramstein’s South Chapel, he learned through Chaplain Walid Habash of a program that was selecting service members to represent the Department of Defense on an invitation from the Saudi minister of defense and aviation to participate in Hajj. 

Upon learning of the opportunity through Habash, Major Trimble put in a formal request and was selected for the Joint Hajj Training Mission. He was also named the officer in charge for the mission. Major Trimble, along with four other service members, three Navy and one Air Force, prepared to make the trip in November.

“I established two objectives for the team. The first objective for the team was to complete our religious obligation to God by executing Hajj. Secondly, I wanted the team to engage as many people as possible while in Saudi Arabia in order to let Muslims know that representatives of the U.S. government were participating in Hajj and at the same time be a positive reflection of America and Americans,” Major Trimble said.

Major Trimble, along with the other members of the Joint Hajj Team, reported to Washington, D.C., for their initial briefing and later travelled to Mecca to complete the Hajj pilgrimage. During the process, Major Trimble received complete support from his command.

“Major Trimble’s devotion to Islam is unquestioned and his performance exemplifies the kind of Soldier the Army needs,” said Lt. Col. David Hosna, the commander of the 903rd CCB. “Allowing Major Trimble to attend the Hajj would prove invaluable in making him a more effective and competent leader for the 903rd Contingency Contracting Battalion and 409th Contracting Support Brigade.”

Upon completion of the mission, Major Trimble returned home with a better understanding of the people of the Muslim faith.

“There were people from all over the world, and Islam is more diverse than most Americans can begin to fathom,” Major Trimble said. “This was a mission of a lifetime and an unforgettable experience. I cannot thank my command enough for the support rendered and the opportunity to participate and lead this Joint DOD mission.” 

As of 2010, approximately 3 million people participated in the annual Hajj pilgrimage.