Letter for retirees, spouses in KMC

The Survivor Benefit Program is a very important program managed by your casualty assistance representative, Melissa McNeily. Your CAR and your Retiree Activities Office have just finalized a “Casualty Assistance Checklist,” which provides vital information needed in case a retiree passes away. 

It is highly recommended that you contact your CAR in the event that a retiree or spouse dies overseas. The checklist provides essential points of contact and instructions on this matter. At the end of the checklist one will find important telephone contacts for Defense Financial Accounting System, Social Security, the Federal Benefits Unit, the Veteran’s Administration and the American Consulate. 

The RAO can send you a copy of the checklist; just send an e-mail to James.Barrante@ramstein.af.mil. In addition, we provide the four-page checklist on the Ramstein homepage at the “Retiree Activities Office” link – click on “For Casualty Assistance.” We also have hard copies ready for pick-up at the RAO or at your Casualty Assistance Office, both located in Bldg. 2106. 

(Courtesy of the Retiree Activities Office)