Lifting tips from the 86th MDG

by Capt. Elissa Ballas
86th Medical Group physical therapist

Weightlifting injuries are frequently seen by primary care managers and physical therapists at the 86th Medical Group.  Most injuries are due to improper lifting technique and can be easily prevented.  The first and most important rule to remember when hitting the gym is to lift only what you can handle.

It is always better to lift less than what you think you are capable of and then slowly increase the amount you are lifting.  Another important rule to remember is to lift in a controlled and steady motion. The more controlled your motions are, the more you will challenge your muscles and get a better workout.

The following tips give guidance for different exercises:

SQUATS — Keep your feet about shoulder width apart and toes pointed forward.  Keep your knees behind your toes as you squat down and ensure that your knees line up with your second toe. A proper squat will feel challenging even with no weight.

BENCH PRESS — Your elbows should not bend more than 90 degrees. If you are lying down, your upper arm (triceps/biceps) will be parallel with the floor at this point. It is helpful to place a rolled towel on your chest to keep the bar from going down too low. Going below this point subjects your shoulder to unnecessary stress and can lead to shoulder instability.

LAT PULL-DOWN — Pull the bar down in front of your body and not behind your body.  Pulling the bar behind your body subjects your shoulder to unnecessary stress.

MILITARY PRESS — Position yourself so the weights are in front of your body and not behind your body.

Do not lock your knees out or hyperextend your knees at the end of the motion. This puts extra stress on your knees. Instead, push your body weight until your knees are straight, but not locked out.

When choosing which lifting exercises you are going to perform at the gym, consider reciprocal exercises. This means that you perform pairs of exercises that oppose each other. For example, bench press (pushing) and rowing (pulling) would be reciprocal exercises. More examples include bicep curls/tricep presses, pull-downs/military press, and leg press/hamstring curls.  Lifting should be performed two to four times per week with ample rest between days.

Weightlifting breaks down your muscles to a certain extent, depending on how much you lift, and the rest period allows the muscles time to recover and rebuild to stronger tissue. Many people split up their workout days and do upper body exercises on one day and lower body exercises on the second day.
If you do injure yourself while you are lifting, stop immediately and let yourself rest.

Applying ice for 10 to 15 minutes to the injured site can reduce swelling and pain. Recovering from a muscle strain takes time and you should allow the muscle to rest.

When returning to weightlifting after an injury, always start with lighter weight and slowly increase the weight when you feel stable and comfortable.