A Veteran

Chief Master Sgt. (ret.) Don Sanders

Who is a veteran? There have been many words written by many scholarly individuals describing their version of who a veteran is and what they stand for. Among these many definitions, there is always one common thread. A veteran is a person who has valiantly served his country.

It is never to be forgotten that a veteran made a contract with America to do whatever he or she can to ensure American citizens are protected from all enemies, both foreign and domestic. This contract fulfills the dominant creed of our constitution, which was written so many years ago. The American veteran has met this challenge and has done so with honor. With rare exception, the veteran has earned the respect and admiration of American society.

The veteran has been with us throughout the years of American existence. He was with us during the great civil war, which cost more lives than any other war fought by American servicemen and women. The veteran was with America during the Korean conflict in which more than 54,000 American lives were lost. He was with us during the Vietnam conflict which cost more than 58,000 lives.  The veteran was present during conflict in the middle east, and still is in the very far-away land of Afghanistan. During all these wars, the veteran has always remained steadfast, always ready to place his or her life on the line in defense of freedom and the American way of life.  It is always the veteran who leads the way in protecting the citizens that make up our great nation.    

I have asked myself on occasion why veterans would join the military. In the beginning, it may have been for a sense of adventure; to see the world and to experience something new. Surely, that wander-lust suddenly changed when they learned what they were doing was crucial to American survival.

Many Americans chose a different path because they were not required to enter military service. School classmates of mine went onto other professions; bankers, teachers, lawyers, construction workers, etc. That is one of the great things of America; we can choose to pursue a life of our desire. Freedom of choice is what sets the United States of America apart from many other countries in this world. Unfortunately, in order for these personal freedoms to be possible, a great deal of protection is needed. Freedom is never free.

There is a difference today in today’s military as compared to the veteran of yesteryear. However, the bravery and determination of a veteran has not changed. The American military member has always risen to the occasion; always providing whatever is needed to protect America. Yes today’s fighting person has the benefit of better technology; better equipment and logistical support. Yet, the overriding factor is that whatever the cost, whatever the sacrifice; the veteran stands tall and ready. Today, I stand very proud of America and what America has accomplished in the last 236 years. I also render a proud salute to all those veterans that made these accomplishments possible. God please continue to bless the veteran and the United States of America.Who is a veteran? There have been many words written by many scholarly individuals describing their version of who a veteran is and what they stand for. Among these many definitions, there is always one common thread. A veteran is a person who has valiantly served his country.