Friendship association celebrates 20th anniversary in 2005

Petra Lessoing
Kaiserslautern American

***image1***The German-American Friendship Association Siegelbach elected new board members during its recent membership meeting and decided on a tentative program for 2005.

Board members are: Erhard Weber, Siegelbach, German president; Carlos Hach, Siegelbach, German vice president; Anne Smith, Ramstein, American vice president; Christian Schimmel, Rodenbach, German secretary; Karen Bartel, Hochspeyer, American secretary; Adam Trendowicz, Kaiserslautern, treasurer; and Todd Lopez, Mackenbach, chronicler. Dieter Edel, Siegelbach and Sylvia Meade, Katzweiler are auditors.

“In 2005, the association will celebrate its 20th anniversary,” said Mr. Weber. “Besides our traditional hikes and trips, we offer two anniversary concerts.”

Following is a list of events and activities:
Jan. 15 to 17: Ski trip by bus to Bavarian Alps to include two overnights
Jan. 29: Attending the concert of the State Police Music Orchestra
Jan. 31: Start of German classes in Siegelbach’s Hauptschule
Feb. 20 and 21: Visit of the ZDF television station in Mainz, the Kupferberg sparkling wine cellar, the Gutenberg Museum and the center of Mainz
March 12: Presentation of Saxony regarding the trip to Dresden in May
April 9: Game evening
April 24: First hike
May 8: Bicycle tour
May 27 to 30: Train trip to Dresden
June 4: First anniversary concert with the Bigband of Rittersberg-Gymnasium (high school)
June 18: Second hike
July 1 to 4: Bus trip to Vienna
July 23: Picnic at Siegelbach’s barbecue hut
Aug. 13: Third hike
August/September: Second semester of German language classes starts
Sept. 2 to 5: Train trip to Munich and Alps
Sept. 10: Second anniversary concert with U.S. Air Forces in Europe Band
Oct. 1: Last hike in 2005
Oct. 28: Presentation of Pennsylvania
Nov. 19: Wine tasting
Dec. 10: Game evening
For more information on the friendship association and all activities, call Mr. Weber at 06301-8327 or visit the club’s Web site at

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