Air Force bundles building assessments

Courtesy of 86th Civil Engineer Squadron

Data makes the world of Air Force civil engineering go round.

To effectively manage assets across that inventory of real property, data needs to be accurate, consistent and appropriate. But gathering it can mean multiple assessments and inventories of the same building. To facilitate the process, the Air Force Civil Engineer Center’s Energy Directorate at Tyndall Air Force Base, Fla., combined efforts into what is called Sustainable Infrastructure Assessments, or SIAs.

“The SIA process consolidates assessments and decreases redundant efforts and contradictions on overlapping results,” said Clayton Deel, contracting officer representative. “By evaluating an entire building in a single walk-through, we minimize the disruption at each base.”

SIAs consist of six product lines which combine real property inventories and facility assessments for energy and asset management. The data is used to support decision making, financial management and future reporting requirements for capital investments and audits.

“The teams for each product line work together to prevent delays, duplication of effort and omissions in the surveys. Everyone regroups each evening to review the day’s work and the next day’s schedule,” said Mike Giniger, with AFCEC’s Energy Directorate. “This makes the whole process run smoothly and assures the best results.”

Each base receives a report detailing the following:

Real Property Inventory

Verification of the physical existence of facilities indicated on the Real Property Inventory Detail Report or the base map.  This is basically an overall “drive by” check of all facilities.

For some specific facilities, the following is completed:

Real Property Installed Equipment

Inventory of key mechanical components, including heating, ventilation and air conditioning, and electrical systems. The data is stored for use in a new engineering software so the shops know what needs to be maintained. Barcode labels are placed on each piece of equipment so maintenance workers can use a scanner and immediately pull up service records.

Space Utilization

Collection of space data at each facility and estimated square-footage. AutoCAD floor plans and geo-
references are created for each facility surveyed. A space utilization assessment determines who is sitting where and how much time they are occupying the space. This helps determine if spaces can be consolidated enough to possibly dispose of another

Energy Assessment

Bases receive recommendations for energy and water conservation opportunities including estimates of implementation costs and potential savings.

High Performance Sustainable Building Checklist/Assessment

This assessment measures how sustainable a building is and whether it is, or can be made, LEED compliant.

Real Property Condition Assessment

Condition assessments on main building components including exterior enclosure, roofing, interior construction, plumbing, air handling and electrical components determine the building worth or renovation needs.

The 86th Airlift Wing is host to the SIA group of approximately 42 contractors on local installations in the KMC who will be surveying buildings July 15 to 31.

The SIA is not an evaluation of performance, but used for data collection. The contractors will be collecting data in teams of six, and the building facility manager will be the liaison between the contracting team and building users, so please know the name of your facility manager so that you can be sure to remain updated on the team’s expected arrival date and time.

There should be little to no interruption to work or operations. For details, contact Amanda Mehrtens at 480-3723 or Erik Aufdermauer at 478-8419.

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