2007 NATO award winners

NATO Allied Air Component Command Headquarters Ramstein hosted the second annual NATO Allied Command Operations awards ceremony March 20 at the Ramstein Officers’ Club.

Nominees and their guests came from all across Europe – from Belgium to Turkey – and, of course, Germany.

Gen. Roger A. Brady, COMUSAFE and NATO Allied Component Command Air Headquarters commander, hosted the event while Command Sgt. Maj. Michael Bartelle of NATO Allied Command Operations SHAPE Headquarters was the guest speaker. 

In all, 22 nominees vied to be selected as “best of the best” based on their leadership, duty performance, significant self-improvement and base and community involvement. General Brady and Command Sergeant Major Bartelle recognized commanders and supervisors for taking the time to write the nomination packages and the nominees for significantly contributing to ongoing NATO and U.S. military missions.

Four personnel were selected as the annual award winners:

• Outstanding Airman:  Senior Airman Michael L. Goddard, E-3A Component Base Support Wing, Geilenkirchen Air Base

• Outstanding NCO:  Tech. Sgt. Richard B. Keesling, NATO AWACS Geilenkirchen  

• Outstanding SNCO:  Senior Master Sgt. Ross C. Bridge Jr., NATO CIS Services Agency, Ramstein

• Outstanding CGO:  Capt. Michael S. Rellick, CC-Air HQ, Ramstein