Weinstrasse Marathon

The grueling half and full marathons challenged more than 3,000 runners as they ran up and down the hills of Germany’s famous Weinstrasse from Bockenheim to Bad Dürkheim.

***image1***Hail, snow and rain couldn’t stop “Team Awesome,” consisting of members and former members of the 29th Support Group and a member of USAG-Kaiserslautern, who participated in the Deutsche Weinstrasse Marathon April 6.

The team members (from left) are Maj. Leslie Desander, 29th SG personnel officer; Master Sgt. Scott Penhollow, USAG-K Equal Opportunity advisor; Master Sgt. Gary Brown, Headquarters & Headquarters Battery, 5-7 Air Defense Artillery; Lt. Col. Maria Eoff, 29th SG deputy commander; and Sgt. 1st Class Edward Mercado, 29th SG EO advisor.