Celebrating 10 years of professionalism and dedication

Story and photo by Ina Stiewitz
21st TSC Public Affairs

***image1***The 10th Anniversary of Theater Logistics Support Center – Europe served as a perfect occasion to point out the most important component for

success is a team of professionals that takes on challenges with dedication, as was mentioned by Helmut Haufe, general manager, in his remarks on Daenner Kaserne, July 15.

“Besides many changes within the organization, there are things that have never changed in the history of Theater Logistics Support Center – Europe: the professionalism, competency, work ethics and dedication of the team making the organization,” said Mr. Haufe.

“TLSC-E has taken on a large and immensely important mission in sustaining our base here in the European theater,” said Maj. Gen. Yves J. Fontaine, commander, 21st Theater Sustainment Command.

TLSC-E provides support to force projection operations, supply operations, maintenance operations, distribution and other logistical functions to Army, joint, combined and multinational forces in support of U.S. Army Europe and combatant commanders, General Fontaine said.

In 1998, when General Support Center – Europe was established, they began with a lot of work and determination to be successful, without a budget or supplies.

“Since then, GSC-E has evolved into TLSC-E, becoming a truly multifunctional logistics organization,” said Mr. Haufe. “The organization has earned an excellent reputation throughout the logistics community, the trust of the senior leadership and, most important, of the Soldiers and units we support.”

“Customer satisfaction and responsive, reliable and quality support will remain our yardstick and benchmark,” said Mr. Haufe.

General Fontaine acknowledged and thanked the workforce for their dedication and professionalism as well.

“Tireless work to prepare the force for deployment, ensure they are cared for as they deploy and reset the force and their equipment when they return, all while sustaining us here where we live and work is what I thank the dedicated Army civilians and local national employees of TLSC-E for,” he said.

During the ceremony, awards were presented to Arthur Peete and Christine Lohn for 35 and 30 years of government service, respectively, to Markus Cappel for his outstanding support and leadership at the Maintenance Activity Kaiserslautern and to Bernhard Frank for his outstanding support representing the 21st TSC at this year’s Rheinland-Pfalz Tag.