Parents can monitor child’s grades

by Suzanne Smith
Ramstein High School

For those parents with students in high school, it is crucial to be involved in their children’s school work.

Department of Defense Dependents Schools have now made this easier by requiring all teachers to post their students’ grades on a Web-based grade book. allows parents to monitor their child’s progress from anywhere.
Every single student is listed on this site, so all parents need to do is visit and sign up for an account. Parents can check in whenever they want to see updated assignments. However, they should know that it may take a couple of days for grades to show up. For example, if a teacher grades a quiz on Wednesday, the student’s earned grade may not show up on Gradespeed until Friday.

Any parents who wish to speak to their children’s teachers about grades can e-mail them. The address is usually Hopefully, with these tools, keeping up with your child’s school progress can be made that much easier.