Commander’s Action Line

Col. Don

Q I’ve noticed a number of people speeding in the Ramstein housing area. The traffic congestion from the lack of parking, school buses and construction also makes it difficult for drivers to see children. With school back in session, it makes me nervous to let my child walk with her friends.

Is it possible to have a greater security forces presence during the before and after school hours to help protect our children, and possibly more routine patrols through the housing areas for speeders?

Thank you for sharing a safety concern … one that has our attention.  The 435th Security Forces Squadron utilizes feedback, such as yours, in order to plan patrol runs and to best allocate our patrols to provide the maximum positive effect on installation traffic enforcement.  While security forces are responsible for other missions as well, the safety of our families and children in the housing area is a priority mission we all take seriously.   

We will work to enhance patrol presence in these areas. We also ask individuals to help by self-regulating their behavior to ensure the Ramstein laws and traffic regulations are followed.  Arriving at your destination two minutes faster is never worth endangering the lives of children.  Neighborhood peer pressure on those known to violate traffic laws can also be a very effective deterrent. If we find a recurring problem area, we’ll also consider using speed bumps.  Thank you again for your question as it will help gain greater community awareness of this issue and help us better allocate our patrols.

 The Commander’s Action Line gives KMC members a direct link to wing leadership. The action line is a way for KMC members to ask a question or express a concern on the policies and procedures of the base, as well as discuss safety and security issues.

KMC members are encouraged to use this tool in conjunction with their chain of command. To submit an action line, e-mail with “Action Line” as the subject.