Tips on how to save energy in your home

by Don Doran
USAG Kaiserslautern

Not so long ago, our electric utility bills were barely noticeable in our monthly budgets. Unfortunately, our heat and light bills will never be the same.
However, there are some measures we can take to make a big dent in our budget-busting monthly energy bills.

Let’s look at some simple actions that will make a difference 365 days per year:

1 – You’re leaving the room … not sure when you’ll be back? Turn the lights off.

2 – Curling up under the covers for the night? Turn the thermostat down in winter and up in summer.

3 – You’re leaving the house for work; no one’s left in the house for the day? Turn the lights off and the thermostat down (or up in summer).

4 – Do you have to be careful turning on the hot water so you don’t get burned? Turn the water heater temperature setting down. You won’t waste money keeping it so hot.

5 – You’re about to use the dishwasher or wash a load of clothes. Maybe it can wait until tomorrow or until you have a full load.

6 – No one is using the computer, and no one will need it for a while?   Power it down.

7 – Look at all light fixtures and lamps around the house. Will smaller wattage bulbs suffice? 

8 – The 110V items you brought from the states … is the transformer bigger than you need? Get the proper size, and unplug or turn it off when not in use.

9 – Your cell phone charger is always plugged in? The cordless toothbrush and razor are always plugged in and charging? Unplug all these chargers except when you need to recharge an item.

10 – Does your entertainment center look like a distant high-rise building after dark and nothing is on? All these components use power in stand-by mode. How many of those time displays and fancy lights do you really need? The non-essential ones could be powered down with the flick of a switch on a power strip.

Cumulatively, we have the opportunity to save nearly as much power as we use for our essential needs. Look around. If it’s not in use or necessary, power it down.