New GPC coming soon

by Kirk Wadsack
700th Contracting Squadron

The new plastic is on its way.

Government Purchase Card card-holders have known the news for some time, but now the date for conversion from the current GPCs to the new cards is right around the corner.

GPCs are a lean and agile government purchase tool. GPCs enable KMC units to support mission needs through quick and streamlined “plastic” purchase procedures.

GPCs are provided to cardholders under the terms of a master federal contract. That contract has been recently re-accomplished, and this requires new cards – with a new look – and card account number changes for GPC cardholders.

“The new cards were mailed to card-holders in the middle of October,” said Frank Johnson, the KMC’s GPC program manager at the 700th Contracting Squadron. “We expect a smooth transition because we will continue with the same bank – U.S. Bank – under the new contract,” said Mr. Johnson, who leads a busy team supporting more than 1,000 cardholders.

Currently, GPCs fall under the GSA’s SmartPay 1 program. With the contract change, all cardholders will transition to SmartPay 2 management of their new card accounts. Existing cards expire at 11:59 p.m. EST Nov. 29. The new cards under the SP2 program may be used, once activated, beginning at 12:01 a.m. EST Nov. 30.

Cardholders will continue to use the Access Online management system throughout the transition from the old cards to the new. Approving Officials, those individuals who appoint cardholders, will not be affected by the change.  All AO system information will transition automatically.

“Each cardholder will need to accomplish certain steps in the conversion,” said

Mr. Johnson. He explained that each

cardholder must:

• Cancel all recurring charges against the expiring card

• Immediately upon receipt, activate the new card by calling the phone number on the back of the card

• Reconcile all SP1 transactions under the SP1 program prior to Nov. 25

• Add the new card account against the existing Access Online user ID

Dispose of the expiring card

Additional information will continue to be disseminated through cardholder channels, as the conversion date nears. Cardholders may direct any transition questions to the GPC team at 489-6347.