Election 2008

The students at Ramstein Elementary School took part in a Mock Presidential Election this week at their school. Second-grade students were interviewed by their teacher, Talesa Vickroy, and asked who they will vote for and why.

Here are a few of the responses she received:

Adrian Rivera – Barack Obama because he makes good laws, and he will help the country by taking the garbage out of the sea.

Olivia Potts – John McCain because he said that he wants people to stay in Iraq to make America safe.

Jett Smith – Barack Obama because he has good clothing and other good stuff. He also has a great hairstyle. It’s bent backwards like my dad’s hair.

Jacob Neal – John McCain because he’s going to give some money to the people that don’t have enough money to buy health insurance. He’s also been a
prisoner of war and I think he has more experience.
Antonio Columbo – Barack Obama because I saw a book about him at the BX. It’s in their library and my parents let me look at the books.

Calin Petro – John McCain because his wife helps people in need.

Jared LaFon – Barack Obama because he has the most percent in the polls. I chose him because he is going to win.

 Olivia Leinart – John McCain because he’s Catholic and he’s going to raise taxes and keep trying to fight the war in Iraq.