Military Matters

First Sergeants’ corner

’Tis the time of the season when many of us plan to shop for
wonderful gifts, book exquisite travel arrangements and share dining opportunities with friends, families and wingmen. 

Let us not forget the financial responsibilities that may hit.  Credit companies love to advance personnel a few bucks in return for higher interest rates and longer repayment plans. There are always alternate routes you can explore versus getting into deeper debt or drawing out your payments for the sake of giving. If these identifiers sound familiar, you may want to call the Airman & Family Readiness Center or another agency that can help you budget your income and financial obligations. 

Remember to seek help before trouble comes knocking on your first sergeant’s door seeking you.

Civil Engineers’ corner

A construction contractor will be replacing the Jackson Street water line that supplies Ramstein Bldgs. 519, 523, 525 through 530, 543 and 550.

Expected impacts to users are open trenches, reduced parking spaces, road blockage between Bldgs. 527/529, and approximately two- to four-hour water outages for each facility connection. The project is planned to last until April. Users will be informed when their facility is directly impacted by the construction.

Address any questions to the 435th CES Project Management Section at 480-6486.