Soldiers use new satellite

Story and photo by Sgt. Fay Conroy
21st TSC Public Affairs

***image1***A training class managed by the 21st Theater Sustainment Command was held Oct. 29 and 30 at Germersheim Army Depot to train and field U.S. Army Europe units with a new version of the Combat Service Support Very Small Aperture Terminal.

The CSS VSAT is a small, portable satellite system that allows users to connect to non-classified Internet protocol router networks as well as use voice-over and video Internet protocol to hold video tele-conference meetings online.

“It is a satellite that is designed to produce voice and data connectivity,” said Benjamin Bolden, fielder and instructor for VSAT and the CSS Automated Information Systems Interface.

The War on Terror has made this satellite system important and extremely useful for the Soldiers in the field.

Because there were some problems with obtaining proper bandwidth during the initial stages of Operation Iraqi Freedom, VSAT was designed for and implemented by Army units.  This allows these units to connect to information needed wherever they are located. VSAT also gives these units the ability to receive information and send as well, Mr. Bolden said.

The training at Germersheim Army Depot is designed to train users on how to use the VSAT system and how to set it up.

“Prior to coming here, I was fearful of setting the system up and now I’m confident that I can do it,” said Staff Sgt. Jack Gordon, communications and signal NCOIC, 95th Military Police Battalion, 18th Military Police Brigade, 21st TSC.

Students in the training class were sent in teams of two by their units. On the first day, they learned how to use the VSAT and how to set it up.  On day two, the students did a review of the material they previously learned and took a written exam. They were also tested on VSAT system set-up and their ability to rapidly access the Internet using the system.

“The instructors were know-ledgeable about the equipment and we had a good balance of class time and hands-on training,” said Sgt. Christopher Roberson, signal support systems specialist, 709th MP Bn., 18th MP Bde., 21st TSC.

Upon completion of the training, each team of two Soldiers was issued a CSS VSAT satellite system to take back to their units to use.

The next class on the CSS VSAT will be Dec. 10 and 11 at Germersheim Army Depot.