Many people have been using Kneipp basins to cool off with temperatures rising, however, Kneipp basins are intended for treading water for health benefits.
The use of the basins promotes circulation and arterial blood flow, and are not meant to wash dogs in or wash children off in, as this makes the pools dirty.
Their name originated from Sebastian Anton Kneipp, a hydrotherapist and naturopath from practicing cold water therapy in the 1800s. Water treading was already used but became popular through Kneipp.
Here’s how to enjoy Kneipp basins the proper way.
First, step into the basin on the spot where the water is the same temperature as the tap water. One leg should be pulled completely out of the water with the top of the foot slightly bent down. After 30 seconds passes, a strong cold sensation should be felt in the feet and lower legs. Briefly leave the cold water to warm up your feet again, and repeat several times.
Once done, simply wipe the water off and do some exercise to warm up. The cold causes the superficial blood vessels to contract. When paired with muscle movement, using the basin should promote blood flow and prevent varicose veins.
There are many benefits to Kneipp basins and they are located throughout Germany, mainly in parks. Search ‘Kneipp basins near me’ to find one and take advantage of the benefits the basins offer.