Army Current Operations Engagement Tour: 21st TSC advancing strategic discussions, alliance building

Leaders from the 21st Theater Sustainment Command pose on the steps near the U.S. Capitol, during their Army Current Operations Engagement Tour visit, Washington, D.C., May 21. The 21st TSC ACOET centered on investing in logistics in the European Theater and their support to Ukraine during their current conflict with Russia. Photo by Jodi West

The Army Current Operations Engagement Tour is a critical component of the U.S. Army’s strategic outreach program, aimed at fostering open dialogue and cooperation between military and civilian leaders. Launched by the Department of the Army, the ACOET serves as an invaluable platform for illuminating discussions on global security matters and enables direct communication channels between key stakeholders in the U.S. defense establishment.

This tour is not merely an event but an ongoing process that ensures the integration of diverse perspectives into the strategic thinking of our armed forces. Through a series of discussions, meetings, and presentations, participants in the ACOET have the opportunity to delve deep into the nuances of national security issues, operational strategies, and the role of the Army in safeguarding our nation’s interests.

I recently had the esteemed honor of participating in the ACOET in my capacity as the Support Operation Officer for the 21st Theater Sustainment Command. The ACOET served as an enriching platform for illuminating discussions on global security matters, notably the ongoing war of Russia in Ukraine, and the critical roles both the 21st TSC and Team 21 play in bolstering logistics support.

The ACOET is instrumental in bridging the communication gap between our Army’s civilian leaders, elected officials, their staff, and key members of the Joint and Army staff. It cultivates a vibrant environment for the exchange of ideas on national security objectives and the integral part the 21st TSC plays in accomplishing these goals. A particularly profound highlight of the tour was the invaluable opportunity to engage directly with the Secretary of the Army and members of Congress and their staff, offering a broadened perspective on the challenges and opportunities our nation currently faces.

Our discussions dove deep into the intricacies of contested logistics and port diversification – two vital pillars of the Army’s operational strategy. Contested logistics brought to light the complexities of providing steadfast support in zones of conflict. Engaging in dialogues on these challenges and possible solutions, we developed a deeper understanding of the realities on the ground and identified strategies for enhancing our operational readiness.

The subject of port diversification was another substantial area of focus, underlining the need for resilience in our supply chains. In a world where geopolitical tensions continue to escalate, the diversification of port access is pivotal to safeguarding the continuity and effectiveness of our military operations.

We also delved into the lessons we have learned in supporting the presidential drawdown authority to Ukraine. These insightful conversations emphasized the essential role of the 21st TSC in offering support during Ukraine’s challenging times. The 21st TSC has been instrumental in meeting the logistics requirements for transporting ammunition and material to Ukraine under the Presidential Drawdown Authority, underlining our commitment to fostering peace and stability.

A recurring theme throughout the tour was the importance of fortifying our alliances and partnerships with NATO and other allies. In an era of mounting global challenges, these relationships are paramount in enhancing our strategic capabilities, providing mutual support, and ensuring collective security.

Participating in the ACOET reaffirmed our commitment to these alliances and stressed the necessity for continuous collaboration, joint exercises, and information sharing. Strong partnerships with our NATO allies reinforce our preparedness, joint capabilities, and effectiveness in crisis response, confirming our mutual dedication to preserving peace and stability.

Reflecting on my participation in the ACOET, it was not merely an honor but a profoundly enriching experience that bestowed invaluable insights into our duties at the 21st TSC. The personal interactions with the Secretary of the Army and members of Congress and their staff, combined with the extensive discussions on global security matters, will undoubtedly guide my approach to forthcoming challenges and opportunities. As I continue in my role at the 21st TSC, the ACOET experience has re-energized my dedication to upholding excellence, cultivating alliances, and championing peace and stability.

Building on the strategic discussions at ACOET, we are now more equipped than ever to handle the challenging logistics of contested environments. With a reinforced understanding of the obstacles and strategies related to contested logistics, we can increase the effectiveness of our operations. We’ve gained valuable insights on how to better navigate these difficult areas, ensuring that our forces are supported and resourced in the most challenging of circumstances.

Reaffirming our commitment to our NATO alliances and other partnerships during ACOET was not only symbolic but also strategic. These relationships are critical in boosting our operational capabilities, offering mutual support, and ensuring collective security. We continue to emphasize the importance of collaboration, joint exercises, and information sharing with our NATO allies. These partnerships serve to enhance our collective preparedness and response effectiveness, underlining the strength that lies in unity.

In conclusion, my ACOET experience underscored the complexities and rewards of serving at the 21st TSC. It provided a unique platform to engage with key leaders, discuss strategic issues, and represent the voice of the 21st TSC and Team 21. The insights and experiences gained from this tour have reaffirmed my dedication to upholding excellence, fostering alliances, and supporting global peace and stability. As I continue my role at the 21st TSC, I carry forward the enriched perspective and motivation gained from ACOET. I am more committed than ever to using these insights to navigate the challenges ahead and seize the opportunities that lie before us. Together with Team 21, we will continue to uphold the highest standards of service, adaptability, and resilience, working towards our mission of sustaining the fight and supporting our partners in the pursuit of global peace and stability.