Ramstein physical therapists to host running shoe clinic, fitness challenge

The Ramstein Physical Therapy Clinic will conduct a free Running Shoe Clinic and a Functional Fitness Challenge to celebrate Physical Therapy Month. The Running Shoe Clinic will be held from 3 to 5 p.m. Oct. 15 at the Ramstein PT Clinic, Bldg. 2117. The Functional Fitness Challenge will be held from 2 to 4 p.m. Oct. 30 at the Ramstein Southside Fitness Center baseball field, behind the tennis courts.

Maj. Brett Bishop, Physical Therapy Element chief, 86th Medical Operations Squadron, and his staff will provide foot and gait screenings to help individuals select the right running shoe for their foot type.

“The correct footwear can help prevent or eliminate injuries as you train and perform fitness activities,” Major Bishop said.

“In addition to running, we want to promote the full spectrum of fitness to allow individuals to meet the physical demands of deployments, daily work duties, as well as recreational activities while injury-proofing our bodies,” said Lt. Col. Chu Soh, doctor of physical therapy, 86th Medical Group.

The Functional Fitness Challenge is designed to challenge physical readiness. Units are encouraged to send teams of four to compete to see who has the most fit to fight battle-ready Airmen.

One of the other important roles physical therapists play in the area of physical activity is to promote the capacity for movement in all patients.

Physical therapists use their knowledge, skills, and experience to help people take control of the movement that is critical to their lives.

Physical therapists are highly educated, licensed health-care professionals who can help patients reduce pain and improve or restore mobility, in many cases without expensive surgery or the side effects of prescription medications.

Learn more about conditions physical therapists can treat at www.moveforwardpt.com.

(Courtesy of the 86th Medical Operations Squadron)