Resolute Castle 23

Soldiers from 902nd Engineer Construction Company, 15th Engineer Battalion, 18th Military Police Brigade, pour concrete at the Pre-Engineered Building construction site during Resolute Castle 23 on Sept. 19, at Presidential Range, Poland. Resolute Castle 2023 increases partner capacity and strengthens capabilities across NATO’s eastern member states through real world engineer-related training and the construction of enduring facilities.
Soldiers from 902nd Engineer Construction Company, 15th Engineer Battalion, 18th Military Police Brigade, use a M1157 10-ton dump truck to lay down aggregate during the construction of roads on Presidential Range, Poland as part of Resolute Castle 23, Sept. 19. Resolute Castle is designed to reinforce regional partnerships and promote interoperability with host nation forces by providing improvements to existing infrastructure.
Private 1st Class Mikael Badaly, a horizontal construction engineer with 902nd Engineer Construction Company, 15th Engineer Battalion, 18th Military Police Brigade, uses a self-propelled vibratory roller to compress the aggregate laid down during the construction of roads on Presidential Range, Poland, Sept. 19. Resolute Castle 23 is a multi-national exercise that increases partner capacity and strengthens capabilities across NATO through real world engineer related training which enhances NATO’s ability to project combat power throughout Europe.
Soldiers from 902 Engineer Construction Company, 15th Engineer Battalion, 18th Military Police Brigade tear down the framework after pouring concrete at the Pre-Engineered Building construction site in support of Operation Resolute Castle at Presidential Range, Poland, Sept. 21. Resolute Castle 23 is a multi-national exercise that increases partner capacity and strengthens capabilities across NATO through real world engineer related training which enhances NATO’s ability to project combat power throughout Europe.
Soldiers from 902nd Engineer Construction Company, 15th Engineer Battalion, 18th Military Police Brigade, work together to remove the framework after pouring concrete at the Pre-Engineered Building construction site in during Resolute Castle 23 on Sept. 21, on Presidential Range, Poland. Exercise Resolute Castle is a U.S. Army Europe and Africa led, multinational, joint exercise which marries U.S. Army Reserve and National Guard, as well as allied and partner nation engineering unit training opportunities with the completion of real-world construction projects that enhance training capabilities in various areas of Europe’s eastern member-states.