Military Matters

First Sergeant’s Corner
Integrity First

We’ve all heard the quote “Integrity is always doing the right thing, even when no one is looking.”

Per guidance by the chief of staff, dated Sept. 4, 2008, “The blue uniform will be the duty uniform worn every Monday by Air Force uniformed personnel.”

What does this have to do with integrity, you might ask? Plenty, based on the perspective of our junior leaders.

Let’s take a close look at some recent cor-respondence received from our Airmen: “While looking at the responsibilities’ identified in AFI 36-2618, SNCOs are leaders and managers. So why are so many SNCOs seen around base on Mondays in ABUs and flight suits?” “Are our SNCOs operating at the technician level?” “Are officers also required to where the blue uniform on Monday?”

Integrity is also doing the right thing when someone is looking. Our up and coming leaders are definitely watching, and from their vantage point – the rules don’t apply to everyone.

I am confident that we don’t stop flying on Mondays because it’s blues day, or that a Chief may occasionally be required to have a look at a job on the flightline. But the idea that this type of situation arises every Monday across all of our leadership is preposterous-and they know it!

One leader’s response is “the only thing we have power over is ensuring our own yard is kept up and that our integrity is solid.”

With so much recent focus on proper uniform wear, let’s make sure we are also wearing the correct uniform.

Let’s get those yards cleaned up so we are sending the right message. Integrity First … Always.